2023 - You've Been Good To Me

2023 - You've Been Good To Me

What. A. Year. 

I’m sitting here, thinking about what to write after tallying up some of the “numbers” for this itty bitty business and all the things I have accomplished…and I don’t even know where to start. I guess I should start with the fact that I was pretty pregnant at the start of the year :) where all my goals I set really depended on how things would go after welcoming baby #2 into our lives. Literally, on my spreadsheet where I list my weekly/monthly to-do items stopped around April when Nathan was born. 

With two little ones, the days feel like a blur, so my brain definitely *head explodes* when I try to recount all that has happened. It’s definitely been amazing. 

In 2023, I came out with 23 new products (4 prints, 6 enamel pins, 11 greeting cards, 2 red envelopes), worked on 5 custom-type projects, fully updated my wholesale catalog and slowly put in more efforts in the wholesale side of things, vended at one of the biggest holiday fairs - SJ Made Holiday Fair, which is huuuge for me because I really wasn’t sure if I could do it with the 2 littles. I also continued to stay engaged on social media as best I could - Stephen and I made some fun reels together; I started to branch off to post little illustrator tips, etc. My goal at the start of the year was to double my sales from the previous year and to add 5-10 wholesale accounts to my list - both goals achieved!

On the less tangible side of things are the meaningful connections I continue to make with customers and small business owners. I say this over and over again, but it always remains true. That is, your words and support really do keep me going. On days where I question whether printing greeting cards is worth anything, you definitely pull me out of my rut. 

On a personal level - I now have an 8-month-old baby and a just-turned-3 yo toddler. Is that crazy or what? Nathan can now sit up and is starting to crawl while Emmett, now potty trained, transitioned to a new school and is thriving in his speaking, singing, make-believe abilities. There are moments in the day where everything feels really hard, but the calm and happy moments far outweighs those crappy times. On top of it all, as I am still working as a dietitian, I can say that I am doing well at my job and hopefully making meaningful and positive impacts for my patients. It is silly to say this out loud, but I go through many moments where I feel like I am not doing enough. This post here is a reminder to myself that I definitely am. Thank you, 2023. 

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